Pemberton Community Church is about exploring together the way, the truth and the life of Jesus Christ. Our aim is to represent and resemble Jesus in the Pemberton area by being a healthy and active community church. Following Jesus by Loving God, Loving People, Making Disciples.

We are a diverse church with members from across the spectrum of Christian beliefs and we enjoy a miraculous depth of unity because God enables us by his Spirit to follow Jesus together.

A detailed explanation of our values and beliefs is available here and through the Canadian Conference of Mennonite Brethren, our affiliate denomination.

We work with local indigenous people from Xa'xtsa, Ucwalmicw, Skatin, Lil'wat and N'Quatqua nations, both directly and through our support of Red Soul Rising and North American Indigenous Ministries (NAIM).

We support churches in several countries in which it is dangerous or illegal to confess faith in Christ - so dangerous, in fact, that it's best for them if they're not mentioned specifically on the internet. 

We support the Mennonite Disaster Service (who were instrumental in rebuilding Pemberton after the flood of 1984) and the international social justice and humanitarian work of the Mennonite Central Committee.  

We are among hundreds of churches across Canada who support the international church expansion work of Mennonite Brethren Mission.